The other happening is that I have been considering going to work full time again. I have a possible opportunity at my hospice and I have been thinking about it. I know Olivia is ready for more social interaction and I think she would really enjoy some of the really nice child care places I found. We just aren't sure if full time is the way to go... BUT we feel like we need to get into a better position financially. I have been considering nursing school which would be a huge investment of time and money. So I spent a lot of time this past week looking at child care centers and really contemplating the right thing for our family. I always felt the best thing was to be with Liv all the time. When she was younger that was definately the right thing. Now, though, I think she also seems to want/need another environment to learn and grow, inaddition to home. Only time will tell what will happen. It is just so hard right now to make decisions. we feel as though wew don't know whats around the corner... will Drake get laid off? will they want us to relocate somewhere else?if I take the prerequisites for nursing school, will I get in? When will we try for another child? all these things are in our thoughts and we are ever the planners trying to figure out life.
Well that was a lot, but that is where we are at. On a lighter note, we got Olivia a little T-Ball set for outside and I have some pics of her trying it out. She is pretty funny with it because she likes to hold the bat from the end and push the ball off. Pretty cute!!!