On to Olivia- she is changing so quickly now. She is adding words every day, she talks CONSTANTLY which I love. Not all of it makes sense yet but more and more every day does. She loves being outside. We spend much of our day outside and she loves looking at dogs, birds, squirrels, ducks and geese at the park. On our walks she stops at nearly every flower and stares and then sniffs in and out to "smell" the flower.
We did have a difficut adjustment to sandals for the summer believe it or not. She had this one pair of shoes we bought her in January and she has worn them all winter. One day I realized that they were way too small, her toes were curling at the end. I bought her a pair of sandals, thinking "no big deal we'll just move on to sandals and put these away." Well Olivia was having none of that. She wanted her shoes that she wears every day. I ended up buying multiple pairs of shoes trying to find some she liked. Every time we put on her shoes she would cry scream and try to get them off. It took weeks and a trip to Asheville before she got over it and started wearing them. Toddlers are SO particular it is just astounding!
THE Shoes
Playing with the new ones in her crib... A.K.A her "happy place" hoping it will cast them in a more positive light....
Shoe options...
I also had to post a few pics of Olivia's lunch time one day. She had a week where she was not feeling well (I think she was teething her molars)and she would not eat much. One day after 3 days of almost no eating I offered her every snack I had. She eventually ate a few raisins and a little yogurt before crying until I gave her warm milk and layed her down for her nap. Luckily she is back to normal again...
I hope all your fabulous decisions work out for the very best. It is so hard to know what to do right now. In college, as we were trying to get pregnant I had a new "plan" for each new semester, just in case I got pregnant, but it all worked out for us, so I hope the same for you two.
I love the baby shoes! I don't think many things can get much cuter (besides the baby themselves). MAybe, just maybe she will be well gorunded on the shoe front, and only keep what she needs, you may be very thankful for that type of attitude in high school!
That lunch did crack me up, I looked at the pictures before I read what you worte and was laughing at all the chioces! Lucky girl!
I love reading your posts because I feel like we are going through the same things right now in life and you are always so uplifting about it all. Who would have thought a year or two ago that we would all be going through such times as these? I would have never pictured it in a million years, but it's here and I must brag on us all and say that I am proud of the way we are all making the best of what has been dealt to us.
I was just telling Ben the other day, after much thought about our situations (and everybody else who has been through the same thing) I finally came to the realization that we all need to focus on what is in front of us at any given moment. The here and the now. Sure we can reminisce about the past and get excited about the future, but when it comes down to it, it is important not to forget about life RIGHT NOW :)
I guess I just never really had to put things into perspective until now and I feel grateful for that, and I always remind myself that there might not be a tomorrow, so never let an I love you go unsaid and always live in the moment.
I guess this long drawn out response is just a way for me to say thank you to ya'll, Cassity, and Kim for keeping up your blogs and just being positive in life. It has helped me a lot these past few months!
Miss ya'll.
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